Saturday, February 23, 2013

#301- Separate Ways

Song - Separate Ways
Artist - Journey
Chord Souce - And because I've bee slacking, here's another REAL ukulele video.

#300 - Sheetrock Waltz

Song - Sheetrock Waltz
Artist - My father!

I have had this instrument for way too long and I have to admit that I haven't given it the attention it deserve. My dad built this beautiful hammer dulcimer when I was a little kid and played it for many years. He has since upgraded dulcimers and this one was passed on to me last summer. I had every intention to play it, but it has so many string and is so intimidating. So it has sat in the corner looking beautiful until I told myself to get over it and just give it a try.
I tried a few songs but nothing was really clicking. I'm so used to looking at chords and having something to guide me I found I was getting frustrated. Then I thought to try this song: Sheetrock Waltz. In addition to this dulcimer, my dad also built most of our house. He wrote this song while building my room and adding some skylights and yes, hanging sheetrock. It has since been one my very favorites, and as it turns the only song I can even get close to playing on the dulcimer at this point.
Now that I have a little bit confidence in the dulcimer, I hope to keep playing with it.

Monday, February 11, 2013

#299 - Fade Into Me

Song - Fade Into Me
Artist - Mazzy Star
Chord Source -

Woah, it's been WAY too long since I put up a video. But like I said in the clip, it's because I've been working on something else super fun and creative with some folks. It will be released later this week and while it may not be for everyone, I think it's pretty darn cool.

Thank you so much to those of you who continue to follow me, your support means a lot!